Friday, March 20, 2009

Walking in Circles

My dear boyfriend and I have been walking in circles lately. This circle has gone around the fact that we are so busy there is really no way to give the most exciting and real love I have ever felt a chance. If this love is really all that, then it will still be there in time, that is what the circle eventually closed on. So we are going to take some time, and hopefully come back to this with some truth, love and hope in our hearts.

I miss him. But I miss him all the time anyway. And life goes, as it always does, inexorably on.

I hope I am always his Hanababy.

coming to you from a sad spot, but still with love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Things will work out. And you're right. If it's true, it will still be there in the end. Sometimes, the timing is just off.